JEIL Pet Food
Harim Bio-Research Center
The cutting-edge raw material management system of Harim Central Research Institute
· Jeli Petfood Safety System (HACCP)
· Harim Central Research Institute's thorough raw material management system
· Identification of nutrients in raw materials/process/final products
· Validated nutrition
· Animal nutrition expert, 1st in the industry
· Continued development of nutritional expertise
Veterinary Research Center
We are committed to safe raw materials, products, and disease prevention
National certification
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestr designated animal disease diagnosis institute and inspection
Inspection o fraw materials and products for safety
- Virus
- Salmonella
- Mycotoxin
- Animal protein
Examination of physical diseases of animals and environmental examination for health
Disease check
- Blood analysis (MPT+)
- Virus
- Bacterial test
Environmental Analysis
- Water quality, falling bacteria and more
Chemical Analysis Center
We run chemical analysis center, which is accredited by international standards for safety and nutritional accuracy
International level
analysis capability
- AOCS accredited analytical accuracy
- Accuracy certification of NFTA
- Continuous verification, improvement, and standardization of analytical methods through AAFCO Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry designated Food
- Certification Authority (50 items including amoni acids and caloric analysis)
Chemical analysis ceter
key functions
Technology Provision Partners
Systematic management of laboratory information management system (LABORAS) of Harim Central
Research Institute and NIRS for onsite quality analysis
System Operation (Laboratory Information Management System)
- GLP implementation operating system
- Real-time data-driven communication with purchasing/formulation/production
Calorimetric analyzer
Amino acid analyzer
NIRS System (Near-infrared spectrophotometer)
- On-site quality control tools (introduced in 1990)
- Analysis of ingredients before, during and after production
- General composition analysis (Moisture, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, ash, fiber, etc).